MIndEdge Issues Open Badges for more than 100 courses
May 19, 2015
MindEdge Learning now issues Open Badges, an online standard to recognize and verify learning, for more than 100 of its courses and simulations offered on MindEdge Online.
MindEdge Open Badges can be earned through MindEdge Online (www.mindedgeonline.com).
Open Badges allow students and professionals to publicly share their skills, knowledge, and accomplishments online, which may help with future career and education opportunities. Learners can manage and share badges across the web from their Mozilla Backpack. (You can set up a free Mozilla Backpack at https://backpack.openbadges.org/.)
Learners who successfully complete their MindEdge course or simulation will earn MindEdge Open Badges. They can share their credentials online through social media and display them on resumes and transcripts.
“We see offering Open Badges to MindEdge learners as a way to help support their professional development and career aspirations,” said Jefferson Flanders, president and CEO of MindEdge. “It’s an attractive option for individuals who want to show they’ve mastered new skills and it will help organizations identify those who have the talents they need. We’re pleased to join the Open Badges movement.”
Open Badges are an innovative solution created by Mozilla with support from the MacArthur Foundation, Humanities, Arts, Science and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory (HASTAC), and others. These digital credentials are verifiable, portable, and stackable. When Open Badges are issued, they have information “baked into” them, which enables institutions and employers to verify the issuer and check the criteria that the learner was required to meet to earn the badge. Organizations offering Open Badges include NASA, Disney-Pixar and others.
About MindEdge
MindEdge, a learning company based in Waltham, MA, provides leadership, management, communication, and educational solutions for organizations to help them meet their objectives.